

Send a game.

Usable by Users Bots
  • chat_id (int | str) – Unique identifier (int) or username (str) of the target chat. For your personal cloud (Saved Messages) you can simply use “me” or “self”. For a contact that exists in your Telegram address book you can use his phone number (str).

  • game_short_name (str) – Short name of the game, serves as the unique identifier for the game. Set up your games via Botfather.

  • disable_notification (bool, optional) – Sends the message silently. Users will receive a notification with no sound.

  • protect_content (bool, optional) – Pass True if the content of the message must be protected from forwarding and saving; for bots only.

  • message_thread_id (int, optional) – If the message is in a thread, ID of the original message.

  • business_connection_id (str, optional) – Unique identifier of the business connection on behalf of which the message will be sent.

  • message_effect_id (int 64-bit, optional) – Unique identifier of the message effect to be added to the message; for private chats only.

  • reply_parameters (ReplyParameters, optional) – Description of the message to reply to

  • reply_markup (InlineKeyboardMarkup, optional) – An object for an inline keyboard. If empty, one ‘Play game_title’ button will be shown automatically. If not empty, the first button must launch the game.


Message – On success, the sent game message is returned.


await app.send_game(chat_id, "gamename")