
class pyrogram.types.ActiveSession#

Contains information about one session in a Telegram application used by the current user. Sessions must be shown to the user in the returned order.

  • id (int) – Session identifier.

  • device_model (str) – Model of the device the application has been run or is running on, as provided by the application.

  • platform (str) – Operating system the application has been run or is running on, as provided by the application.

  • system_version (str) – Version of the operating system the application has been run or is running on, as provided by the application.

  • api_id (int) – Telegram API identifier, as provided by the application.

  • application_name (str) – Name of the application, as provided by the application.

  • application_version (str) – The version of the application, as provided by the application.

  • log_in_date (datetime, optional) – Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the user has logged in.

  • last_active_date (datetime, optional) – Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the session was last used.

  • ip_address (str) – IP address from which the session was created, in human-readable format.

  • location (str) – A human-readable description of the location from which the session was created, based on the IP address.

  • country (str) – Country.

  • is_current (bool) – True, if this session is the current session.

  • is_password_pending (bool) – True, if a 2-step verification password is needed to complete authorization of the session.

  • is_unconfirmed (bool) – True, if the session wasn’t confirmed from another session.

  • can_accept_secret_chats (bool) – True, if incoming secret chats can be accepted by the session.

  • can_accept_calls (bool) – True, if incoming calls can be accepted by the session.

  • is_official_application (bool) – True, if the application is an official application or uses the api_id of an official application.