
class pyrogram.types.Poll#

A Poll.

  • id (str) – Unique poll identifier.

  • question (str) – Poll question, 1-255 characters.

  • question_entities (List of MessageEntity) – Special entities that appear in the question. Currently, only custom emoji entities are allowed in poll questions.

  • options (List of PollOption) – List of poll options.

  • total_voter_count (int) – Total number of users that voted in the poll.

  • is_closed (bool) – True, if the poll is closed.

  • is_anonymous (bool, optional) – True, if the poll is anonymous

  • type (PollType, optional) – Poll type.

  • allows_multiple_answers (bool, optional) – True, if the poll allows multiple answers.

  • chosen_option_id (int, optional) – 0-based index of the chosen option), None in case of no vote yet.

  • correct_option_id (int, optional) – 0-based identifier of the correct answer option. Available only for polls in the quiz mode, which are closed, or was sent (not forwarded) by the bot or to the private chat with the bot.

  • explanation (str, optional) – Text that is shown when a user chooses an incorrect answer or taps on the lamp icon in a quiz-style poll, 0-200 characters.

  • explanation_entities (List of MessageEntity, optional) – Special entities like usernames, URLs, bot commands, etc. that appear in the explanation.

  • open_period (int, optional) – Amount of time in seconds the poll will be active after creation.

  • close_date (datetime, optional) – Point in time when the poll will be automatically closed.