
class pyrogram.raw.functions.messages.SendMedia#

Send a media

  • Layer: 187

  • ID: 7852834E

  • peer (InputPeer) – Destination

  • media (InputMedia) – Attached media

  • message (str) – Caption

  • random_id (int 64-bit) – Random ID to avoid resending the same message

  • silent (bool, optional) – Send message silently (no notification should be triggered)

  • background (bool, optional) – Send message in background

  • clear_draft (bool, optional) – Clear the draft

  • noforwards (bool, optional) – Only for bots, disallows forwarding and saving of the messages, even if the destination chat doesn’t have content protection enabled

  • update_stickersets_order (bool, optional) – Whether to move used stickersets to top, see here for more info on this flag »

  • invert_media (bool, optional) – If set, any eventual webpage preview will be shown on top of the message instead of at the bottom.

  • reply_to (InputReplyTo, optional) – If set, indicates that the message should be sent in reply to the specified message or story.

  • reply_markup (ReplyMarkup, optional) – Reply markup for bot keyboards

  • entities (List of MessageEntity, optional) – Message entities for styled text

  • schedule_date (int 32-bit, optional) – Scheduled message date for scheduled messages

  • send_as (InputPeer, optional) – Send this message as the specified peer

  • quick_reply_shortcut (InputQuickReplyShortcut, optional) – Add the message to the specified quick reply shortcut », instead.

  • effect (int 64-bit, optional) – Specifies a message effect » to use for the message.

