
class pyrogram.raw.functions.messages.SetChatAvailableReactions#

Change the set of message reactions » that can be used in a certain group, supergroup or channel

  • Layer: 200

  • ID: 864B2581

  • peer (InputPeer) – Group where to apply changes

  • available_reactions (ChatReactions) – Allowed reaction emojis

  • reactions_limit (int 32-bit, optional) – This flag may be used to impose a custom limit of unique reactions (i.e. a customizable version of appConfig.reactions_uniq_max); this field and the other info set by the method will then be available to users in channelFull and chatFull. If this flag is not set, the previously configured reactions_limit will not be altered.

  • paid_enabled (bool, optional) – If this flag is set and a Bool is passed, the method will enable or disable paid message reactions ». If this flag is not set, the previously stored setting will not be changed.

