
class pyrogram.raw.functions.stories.GetStoryViewsList#

Obtain the list of users that have viewed a specific story we posted

  • Layer: 187

  • ID: 7ED23C57

  • peer (InputPeer) – Peer where the story was posted

  • id (int 32-bit) – Story ID

  • offset (str) – Offset for pagination, obtained from stories.storyViewsList.next_offset

  • limit (int 32-bit) – Maximum number of results to return, see pagination

  • just_contacts (bool, optional) – Whether to only fetch view reaction/views made by our contacts

  • reactions_first (bool, optional) – Whether to return storyView info about users that reacted to the story (i.e. if set, the server will first sort results by view date as usual, and then also additionally sort the list by putting storyViews with an associated reaction first in the list). Ignored if forwards_first is set.

  • forwards_first (bool, optional) – If set, returns forwards and reposts first, then reactions, then other views; otherwise returns interactions sorted just by interaction date.

  • q (str, optional) – Search for specific peers

