
class pyrogram.raw.types.BroadcastRevenueTransactionWithdrawal#

Describes a withdrawal of ad earnings »

Constructor of BroadcastRevenueTransaction.

  • Layer: 187

  • ID: 5A590978

  • amount (int 64-bit) – Amount withdrawn

  • date (int 32-bit) – Withdrawal date

  • provider (str) – Payment provider name

  • pending (bool, optional) – Whether the withdrawal is currently pending

  • failed (bool, optional) – Whether the withdrawal has failed

  • transaction_date (int 32-bit, optional) – If neither pending nor failed are set, the transaction was completed successfully, and this field will contain the point in time (Unix timestamp) when the withdrawal was completed successfully.

  • transaction_url (str, optional) – If neither pending nor failed are set, the transaction was completed successfully, and this field will contain a URL where the withdrawal transaction can be viewed.