
class pyrogram.raw.types.ChannelFull#

Full info about a channel, supergroup or gigagroup.

Constructor of ChatFull.

  • Layer: 187

  • ID: BBAB348D

  • id (int 64-bit) – ID of the channel

  • about (str) – Info about the channel

  • read_inbox_max_id (int 32-bit) – Position up to which all incoming messages are read.

  • read_outbox_max_id (int 32-bit) – Position up to which all outgoing messages are read.

  • unread_count (int 32-bit) – Count of unread messages

  • chat_photo (Photo) – Channel picture

  • notify_settings (PeerNotifySettings) – Notification settings

  • bot_info (List of BotInfo) – Info about bots in the channel/supergroup

  • pts (int 32-bit) – Latest PTS for this channel

  • can_view_participants (bool, optional) – Can we view the participant list?

  • can_set_username (bool, optional) – Can we set the channel’s username?

  • can_set_stickers (bool, optional) – Can we associate a stickerpack to the supergroup?

  • hidden_prehistory (bool, optional) – Is the history before we joined hidden to us?

  • can_set_location (bool, optional) – Can we set the geolocation of this group (for geogroups)

  • has_scheduled (bool, optional) – Whether scheduled messages are available

  • can_view_stats (bool, optional) – Can the user view channel/supergroup statistics

  • blocked (bool, optional) – Whether any anonymous admin of this supergroup was blocked: if set, you won’t receive messages from anonymous group admins in discussion replies via @replies

  • can_delete_channel (bool, optional) – Can we delete this channel?

  • antispam (bool, optional) – Whether native antispam functionality is enabled in this supergroup.

  • participants_hidden (bool, optional) – Whether the participant list is hidden.

  • translations_disabled (bool, optional) – Whether the real-time chat translation popup should be hidden.

  • stories_pinned_available (bool, optional) – Whether this user has some pinned stories.

  • view_forum_as_messages (bool, optional) – Users may also choose to display messages from all topics of a forum as if they were sent to a normal group, using a “View as messages” setting in the local client. This setting only affects the current account, and is synced to other logged in sessions using the channels.toggleViewForumAsMessages method; invoking this method will update the value of this flag.

  • restricted_sponsored (bool, optional) – Whether ads on this channel were disabled as specified here » (this flag is only visible to the owner of the channel).

  • can_view_revenue (bool, optional) – If set, this user can view ad revenue statistics » for this channel.

  • paid_media_allowed (bool, optional) – Whether the current user can send or forward paid media » to this channel.

  • can_view_stars_revenue (bool, optional) – If set, this user can view Telegram Star revenue statistics » for this channel.

  • paid_reactions_available (bool, optional) – N/A

  • participants_count (int 32-bit, optional) – Number of participants of the channel

  • admins_count (int 32-bit, optional) – Number of channel admins

  • kicked_count (int 32-bit, optional) – Number of users kicked from the channel

  • banned_count (int 32-bit, optional) – Number of users banned from the channel

  • online_count (int 32-bit, optional) – Number of users currently online

  • exported_invite (ExportedChatInvite, optional) – Invite link

  • migrated_from_chat_id (int 64-bit, optional) – The chat ID from which this group was migrated

  • migrated_from_max_id (int 32-bit, optional) – The message ID in the original chat at which this group was migrated

  • pinned_msg_id (int 32-bit, optional) – Message ID of the last pinned message

  • stickerset (StickerSet, optional) – Associated stickerset

  • available_min_id (int 32-bit, optional) – Identifier of a maximum unavailable message in a channel due to hidden history.

  • folder_id (int 32-bit, optional) – Peer folder ID, for more info click here

  • linked_chat_id (int 64-bit, optional) – ID of the linked discussion chat for channels (and vice versa, the ID of the linked channel for discussion chats).

  • location (ChannelLocation, optional) – Location of the geogroup

  • slowmode_seconds (int 32-bit, optional) – If specified, users in supergroups will only be able to send one message every slowmode_seconds seconds

  • slowmode_next_send_date (int 32-bit, optional) – Indicates when the user will be allowed to send another message in the supergroup (unixtime)

  • stats_dc (int 32-bit, optional) – If set, specifies the DC to use for fetching channel statistics

  • call (InputGroupCall, optional) – Livestream or group call information

  • ttl_period (int 32-bit, optional) – Time-To-Live of messages in this channel or supergroup

  • pending_suggestions (List of str, optional) – A list of suggested actions for the supergroup admin, see here for more info ».

  • groupcall_default_join_as (Peer, optional) – When using phone.getGroupCallJoinAs to get a list of peers that can be used to join a group call, this field indicates the peer that should be selected by default.

  • theme_emoticon (str, optional) – Emoji representing a specific chat theme

  • requests_pending (int 32-bit, optional) – Pending join requests »

  • recent_requesters (List of int 64-bit, optional) – IDs of users who requested to join recently

  • default_send_as (Peer, optional) – Default peer used for sending messages to this channel

  • available_reactions (ChatReactions, optional) – Allowed message reactions »

  • reactions_limit (int 32-bit, optional) – This flag may be used to impose a custom limit of unique reactions (i.e. a customizable version of appConfig.reactions_uniq_max).

  • stories (PeerStories, optional) – Channel stories

  • wallpaper (WallPaper, optional) – Wallpaper

  • boosts_applied (int 32-bit, optional) – The number of boosts the current user has applied to the current supergroup.

  • boosts_unrestrict (int 32-bit, optional) – The number of boosts this supergroup requires to bypass slowmode and other restrictions, see here » for more info.

  • emojiset (StickerSet, optional) – Custom emoji stickerset associated to the current supergroup, set using channels.setEmojiStickers after reaching the appropriate boost level, see here » for more info.