
class pyrogram.raw.types.ForumTopic#

Represents a forum topic.

Constructor of ForumTopic.

  • Layer: 187

  • ID: 71701DA9

  • id (int 32-bit) – Topic ID

  • date (int 32-bit) – Topic creation date

  • title (str) – Topic title

  • icon_color (int 32-bit) – If no custom emoji icon is specified, specifies the color of the fallback topic icon (RGB), one of 0x6FB9F0, 0xFFD67E, 0xCB86DB, 0x8EEE98, 0xFF93B2, or 0xFB6F5F.

  • top_message (int 32-bit) – ID of the last message that was sent to this topic

  • read_inbox_max_id (int 32-bit) – Position up to which all incoming messages are read.

  • read_outbox_max_id (int 32-bit) – Position up to which all outgoing messages are read.

  • unread_count (int 32-bit) – Number of unread messages

  • unread_mentions_count (int 32-bit) – Number of unread mentions

  • unread_reactions_count (int 32-bit) – Number of unread reactions to messages you sent

  • from_id (Peer) – ID of the peer that created the topic

  • notify_settings (PeerNotifySettings) – Notification settings

  • my (bool, optional) – Whether the topic was created by the current user

  • closed (bool, optional) – Whether the topic is closed (no messages can be sent to it)

  • pinned (bool, optional) – Whether the topic is pinned

  • short (bool, optional) – Whether this constructor is a reduced version of the full topic information. If set, only the my, closed, id, date, title, icon_color, icon_emoji_id and from_id parameters will contain valid information. Reduced info is usually only returned in topic-related admin log events » and in the messages.channelMessages constructor: if needed, full information can be fetched using channels.getForumTopicsByID.

  • hidden (bool, optional) – Whether the topic is hidden (only valid for the “General” topic, id=1)

  • icon_emoji_id (int 64-bit, optional) – ID of the custom emoji used as topic icon.

  • draft (DraftMessage, optional) – Message draft