
class pyrogram.raw.types.InputReplyToMessage#

Reply to a message.

Constructor of InputReplyTo.

  • Layer: 187

  • ID: 22C0F6D5

  • reply_to_msg_id (int 32-bit) – The message ID to reply to.

  • top_msg_id (int 32-bit, optional) – This field must contain the topic ID only when replying to messages in forum topics different from the “General” topic (i.e. reply_to_msg_id is set and reply_to_msg_id != topicID and topicID != 1). If the replied-to message is deleted before the method finishes execution, the value in this field will be used to send the message to the correct topic, instead of the “General” topic.

  • reply_to_peer_id (InputPeer, optional) – Used to reply to messages sent to another chat (specified here), can only be used for non-protected chats and messages.

  • quote_text (str, optional) – Used to quote-reply to only a certain section (specified here) of the original message. The maximum UTF-8 length for quotes is specified in the quote_length_max config key.

  • quote_entities (List of MessageEntity, optional) – Message entities for styled text from the quote_text field.

  • quote_offset (int 32-bit, optional) – Offset of the message quote_text within the original message (in UTF-16 code units).