
class pyrogram.raw.types.MessageMediaStory#

Represents a forwarded story or a story mention.

Constructor of MessageMedia.

  • Layer: 200

  • ID: 68CB6283

  • peer (Peer) – Peer that posted the story.

  • id (int 32-bit) – Story ID

  • via_mention (bool, optional) – If set, indicates that this someone has mentioned us in this story (i.e. by tagging us in the description) or vice versa, we have mentioned the other peer (if the message is outgoing).

  • story (StoryItem, optional) – The story itself, if absent fetch it using stories.getStoriesByID and the peer/id parameters specified above.


This object can be returned by 2 functions.


Upload a file and associate it to a chat (without actually sending it to the chat)


Upload a media file associated with an imported chat, click here for more info ».