
class pyrogram.raw.types.MessagePeerReaction#

How a certain peer reacted to the message

Constructor of MessagePeerReaction.

  • Layer: 187

  • ID: 8C79B63C

  • peer_id (Peer) – Peer that reacted to the message

  • date (int 32-bit) – When was this reaction added

  • reaction (Reaction) – Reaction emoji

  • big (bool, optional) – Whether the specified message reaction » should elicit a bigger and longer reaction

  • unread (bool, optional) – Whether the reaction wasn’t yet marked as read by the current user

  • my (bool, optional) – Starting from layer 159, messages.sendReaction will send reactions from the peer (user or channel) specified using messages.saveDefaultSendAs. If set, this flag indicates that this reaction was sent by us, even if the peer doesn’t point to the current account.