
class pyrogram.raw.types.messages.TranscribedAudio#

Transcribed text from a voice message »

Constructor of TranscribedAudio.

  • Layer: 187

  • ID: CFB9D957

  • transcription_id (int 64-bit) – Transcription ID

  • text (str) – Transcripted text

  • pending (bool, optional) – Whether the transcription is partial because audio transcription is still in progress, if set the user may receive further updateTranscribedAudio updates with the updated transcription.

  • trial_remains_num (int 32-bit, optional) – For non-Premium users, this flag will be set, indicating the remaining transcriptions in the free trial period.

  • trial_remains_until_date (int 32-bit, optional) – For non-Premium users, this flag will be set, indicating the date when the trial_remains_num counter will be reset to the maximum value of transcribe_audio_trial_weekly_number.


This object can be returned by 1 function.


Transcribe voice message