
class pyrogram.raw.types.UpdateChannelParticipant#

A participant has left, joined, was banned or admined in a channel or supergroup.

Constructor of Update.

  • Layer: 187

  • ID: 985D3ABB

  • channel_id (int 64-bit) – Channel ID

  • date (int 32-bit) – Date of the event

  • actor_id (int 64-bit) – User that triggered the change (inviter, admin that kicked the user, or the even the user_id itself)

  • user_id (int 64-bit) – User that was affected by the change

  • qts (int 32-bit) – New qts value, see updates » for more info.

  • via_chatlist (bool, optional) – Whether the participant joined using a chat folder deep link ».

  • prev_participant (ChannelParticipant, optional) – Previous participant status

  • new_participant (ChannelParticipant, optional) – New participant status

  • invite (ExportedChatInvite, optional) – Chat invite used to join the channel/supergroup